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    Your search result for "3M GULF LTD"

    3M GULF LTD in Dubai

    3M GULF LTD - International City, Dubai

    Company Profile:

    Electrical Supplies & Components-We are a leading supplier of innovative solutions to the electrical, electronics, and telecommunications industries. 3M Displays and Graphics- We're a world leader in films that brighten the displays on electronic products, such as flat-panel computer monitors, cellular phones, PDAs, and LCD televisions. 3M Health Care - For more than a century, people have looked to 3M for new products and solutions to solve their problems. Our health care business is using 3M's diverse technologies and global strength to safeguard people's health and well being . 3M Safety, Security, and Protection - We produce products that increase the safety, security, and productivity of workers, facilities, and systems around the world. 3M Building Protection,3M Personal Safety,3M Corrosion Protection Products, 3M Traffic Safety Products, 3M Workplace Health & Safety in UAE. Transportation Industry- 3M Aerospace & Aircraft Maintenance, 3M Automotive Manufacturing, 3M Corrosion Protection Products, 3M Sandpaper & Abrasives, 3M Tapes & Adhesives, 3M Mounting, Hooks, Adhesives & Tapes, 3M Post-it® Products, 3M Scotch® Tape Products .


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